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Exposing children to the work of artists from Africa and its diaspora is a key feature of our work at Beyond the Black Canvas. Over the years we have taken children to visit The 1:54 Contemporary African Art Fair in London at Somerset House. We have also brought artists into the classroom to work with children, which has been incredibly rewarding for all.

In Autumn 2022, Beyond the Black Canvas will be launching their first 6 week unit of study for schools: Coming into The Light: A spotlight on African artists  This exciting new curriculum resource will provide children with the opportunity to deepen their understanding of this underrepresented part of Art History. The interactive teaching resources will challenge children to consider 'What art is' before understanding how it has developed over time on the continent of Africa and in the diaspora by artists of African descent.
Click the image below for a sample of what to expect:

To register your interest please fill in the form below. Please feel free to add the details of any particular artist or area in art you would like to see covered in a resource.

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